“Football is a beautifully violent game, which is the reason Americans simultaneously exalt and fear the sport. It’s the reason people cheer when a cornerback makes the tackle or a linebacker pummels his opponent. It’s also the reason that one out of every three players in the NFL will experience some form of brain trauma during his career. According to an investigation from Frontline, there have been nearly 200 concussions so far this NFL season, and those are just the concussions that were officially reported.”
1. Hovering shot of a football field. It's at night and the weather is ominous.
2. Camera accelerates (skydives) towards the center of the field while two players run from opposite endzones.
2 (Alternate). Shot zooms past text explaining the problem. Or a narrator explains verbally.
3. Camera continues to speed towards the center while objects whoosh past in the air.
4. Camera levels out at shoulder-height as the two players careen towards each other.
5. As the players begin to collide the camera speed changes to slow-motion.
6. ECU. Helmets crash with immense force. Right helmet cuts away to expose layers of protection.
7. Macro shot. Columnar layer deforms & buckles locally at impact site.
8. Player removes helmet revealing he's A.O.K.
9. Brain flickers on with electricity & VICIS appears.