Upcoming Exhibitions:
9/1/17 - Unnatural Histories VI (group), Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
1/1/17 - Brink (group), Antler Gallery, Portland, OR
Selected Exhibitions:
7/9/16 - Achroma (group), Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA
7/2/16 - Solar Vortex (group), Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, MA
12/12/15 - unNaturalist (solo), Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA
7/4/15 - Free to Be (group), 1AM Gallery, San Francisco, CA
5/16/15 - From Darkness Comes Light (group), Luna Rienne Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2/14/15 - Valentines Day Cardiovascular (group), Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington, MA
11/6/14 - Emergent (group), 1AM Gallery, San Francisco, CA
10/4/14 - With a Vengeance (group), Wonderland Gallery, San Francisco, CA
9/25/14 - The Ark (group), Bear Cub Gallery, London, UK
2/7/14 - Liquid Hymn (solo), 1AM Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Selected Press:
7/1/16 - Silver Lake Voice Interview,
9/4/14 - Venison Magazine Interview,
2001-05 - James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, BFA: Printmaking Concentration